• More and more self-published authors choose to write sentimental literature or romance. But is there a recipe for success? Themes, choice of tone and endearing characters - the more individual the scenario, the more you can really reach your readership.

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    A forbidden idyll, a longing, insurmountable obstacles, a broken heart, a touch of eroticism and, after many twists, the great love so much hoped for! The story may be romantic, but it must also be captivating and original. There are many similarities between sentimental novels so that your romance is different from other works of the same genre, it needs your personal touch, and singularity. Here are our tips for developing your authoring strategy and thus better reach your target audience.

    1.Determine the kind of your romance

    Realistic, fantasy, erotic, contemporary or historical: the genre of the romance novel brings many possibilities. The central themes of love and sorrow are always present. But it's important to give a tone, a genre, to your story right from the start. The definition of the sub-category does not only go through your story, the place or the characters. It also passes and especially by your literary requirement. For example, historical romance requires in-depth research: events and the environment must fit the chosen era.

    2.Defining your target

    Before you start writing, think about your target audience first: who are the readers you want to reach? The content of your story and your target group will be strongly linked. The style, age, tastes, life experience of the protagonists ... the more your readers will recognize in your novel, the more they will be convinced by your book. If your romance contains erotic passages, the minimum age of readership will have to be specified.

    3.Set up the main plot of your love story

    The main thread of your novel is the heart of your story. It contains the knot of the story, the possible conflicts between the characters, the happy or sad ending, and many other elements. It's up to you to decide how the plot will develop. The frame serves as a framework to create a dramatic tension and, most importantly, allows you to have a red thread when writing. Think first about the places where your story will take place but also the obstacles your characters will have to overcome. By the way: a "happy end" is obviously not an obligation!

    4.Find the right environment to write

    Each author has his own habits during the writing work. While some work in a very structured way and sit at their tables every day to write for a certain period of time, others will need to work at intervals and find longer periods of time to be able to devote 'writing. Many romance writers love to write in a romantic, relaxing and silent atmosphere. Find out for yourself in which environment you feel most comfortable and in the best mindset to focus on writing.

    5.Turn life to your characters

    To create a realistic character, it needs more than just a name, an appearance or an age - subtleties bring your characters to life and awaken the emotions of your readers. Activities, tastes, talents, personal fulfillment, love failures ... develop for each of your protagonists his own life story. The more authentic your characters are, the more your readers will be able to attach to it. Do not hesitate to get inspired by your personal entourage!

    6.Specific adjectives for each emotion

    A good love novel stimulates the imagination, appeals to feelings and awakens the reader's senses. But how to achieve it? With the help of a rich vocabulary, precise and expressive adjectives, pass on emotions with ease. An eternal happiness, authentic, immeasurable ... Look for the appropriate adjectives to what you want to express! For example, put your ideas on paper before you start writing your novel, you can then use this lexical field to detail as much as possible the personality of your characters or the particular situations they will face.

    7. Think about the design of your book

    Our last advice is not about writing, but about the physical aspect of your work. An attractive book is distinguished by a professional and aesthetic cover and a body of harmonious and readable text. Choose the font that fits your story. With or without serif, it's up to you! Layout, font size, line spacing, paragraphs, chapter titles contribute significantly to the reading experience. And do not forget that the overall appearance gives an atmosphere to your romance.

    Our example of cover for a book of sentimental literature

    The books of Lily B. Francis "Chronicles of a Machiavellian princess" volumes 1 and 2 illustrate the choice of a design corresponding to the genre. Thanks to the graphic code and the choice of the pink color, we recognize at first sight that this is a romance, addressed more to a female audience.

    More romance tips visit: how2bond

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